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The Best Card Games For Any Diwali Party

This post is really about card games.

I love Diwali, and as a proud Indian, I refuse to buy fireworks made in Chinese sweatshops; I only buy goods made in Indian sweatshops, because I’m a patriot, and because Baba Ramdev told me to. Unfortunately, that can work out to be quite a bit more expensive, which begs the question, what do I do with my Diwali guests once we’re all out of stuff to set on fire? Do I send them home? Do I play some music? Do I run away and start a new life in Turkey? All of them sound tempting, but how about we try something a little more adult-ey; a game of cards.

When it comes to a game of cards on Diwali it’s all about nuance. Poker is way too intense and a turn off to people who don’t know how to play, and Black Jack is too trivial and a turn off to people who do know how to play, and searching for new card games online can be irritating because everybody has an opinion these days. Which is why after years of research, and a terrible amount of gambling debt to the Russian mob, we’ve picked some the most fun card games that require the least cognitive strain.

1) Go Fish

2) Crazy Eights

If you know any card games that we don’t, write to us at We’ll definitely write back, because we’re extremely lonely.

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