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You Have To Be Insane To Try These Chilli Mojitos. So We Did.

Mojitos are perfect just the way they are, unless you’re one of the bartenders at Glocal Junction (it’s exactly like Social; but without those terrible rolled up menus everyone hates), who spitefully disregarded the laws of nature, and adulterated this seemingly straightforward, universally beloved cocktail. Naturally, this was enough to aggravate us out of our premature retirement; and confront them about their meddling in affairs beyond their understanding.

Glocal risked a lot tampering with such sacred forces, but in our opinion at least, it sort of paid off. All their mojitos were interesting, some were exciting, and a couple were really good; but for a large part, they were not very much like mojitos at all. Adding mint and lime to white rum might technically constitute a mojito, but once you involve chaat masala, berries, and little tomatoes, you’re basically just fooling around.

So did we like their new line-up of cocktails? Yes. With the exception of the Jack Went To Cuba (which was too sweet for human consumption). The one we wouldn’t mind taking home for the night was without a shadow of a doubt The Rumba, which was was like drinking jalapeño brine straight out of the bottle; but with the additional fire support from the green chillies, tabasco and rum. We also liked the Cohiba Partner, a subtle yet refreshing ‘mojito’ made with muskmelon juice, and the sinister Serial Thriller, a pungent cocktail of chaat masala, green chillies, and kala khatta.

This website is all about honest consumer advice, and we’re glad that Glocal decided to go all out insane for Mojito Week. We hope they consider making the Rumba a permanent addition to their menu, if not it’ll have been the closest thing we’ve ever had to a summer fling. Check out the Mojito festival at Glocal from the 11th to the 17th of July at either their Andheri or Worli outlets. You won’t regret it, unless you sit within 20 feet of their loudspeakers.

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