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Vegetarian Food We’d Eat To Avoid Starvation

It’s no secret that we’re not the biggest fans of vegetarians. We rank them somewhere between ISIS terrorists and people who call us out on Instagram for not wearing masks when we step outside. The last four months of being reduced to eating nothing but canned tuna have been extremely rough on our highly refined palates; forcing us to contemplate all sorts of depravity just to taste something that doesn’t come from a tin filled with Mercury and hints of dolphin. In these trying times, we can’t help but re-evaluate our position on vegetarian food; sure it’s awful, but is it necessarily the worst thing in the world? So today, in honour of our newly acquired wisdom brought about by age and suffering, here are two vegetarian restaurants that are technically better than starvation.

Mamledar Misal

Misal Pav is, according to the food experts to whom TBR swears fealty, is the “The World’s Tastiest Vegetarian Dish”. It can be hard to trust experts in any field these days given just how inclined they are to lie for personal gain, but at the risk of falling out with the Big Misal Pav lobby, we’ll accept the verdict. One of the most prominent vendors of this legendary snack is undoubtedly Mamledar Misal, who in the last couple of years have managed to spread all over the city, albeit only to the parts whose names you couldn’t care to remember. Naturally we’d expect the place famous for serving the most perfect version of the world’s best vegetarian dish to create something spectacular; but they didn’t, and what we ended up eating wasn’t quite as flavourful as we’d hoped. Still, it was by no means a terrible experience, and we’re certain that the perfect misal pav is out there somewhere, eagerly awaiting our acknowledgement.


Vegetarian food can be a lot of things. It’s more environmentally friendly and arguably healthier than eating ribs for breakfast every morning, some would even call it delicious, but could it ever be considered cool? Vedge tries to do the impossible, making vegetarian food appealing to zoomers such as ourselves by positioning itself as a stylish, globalist, and appetising alternative with décor and prices to match. They do a commendable job on both counts and the food isn’t all that bad. We genuinely loved the Paneer In Black Bean Sauce, in all its salty, spicy goodness, with toasted sesame added for good measure and their Fully Loaded Nachos are perfectly fine, except for the absurd price. We can certainly see Vedge as a cool place for all the vegetarian kids to hang out; we’d just never go there ourselves.

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