For Readers
Hey there, we love customer feedback, especially positive customer feedback. If you have anything you’d like to say please feel free to write to us at bombayreport@gmail.com.
For Partnership Opportunities
For business and partnership inquiries, call us on +91 9833 555 794, or send us an email at any time. As far as responses go, we’ll try our best to be as helpful and courteous as our educational background allows us. You’ll generally receive a reply as soon as possible. If you don’t receive an immediate reply please don’t take it personally.
For Job Opportunities
If you’d like to work with (or for) us, send us your CV to bombayreport@gmail.com, at the moment we’re looking for writing slaves, or interns if you prefer that term. You don’t have to be the best or the most eloquent, we certainly aren’t. All we want is someone who shares our passion for having fun. You will be compensated naturally, with money, mentorship and lots and lots of beer.
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